Sunday, November 3, 2013

Regrets and politics

This article, while light-hearted, highlights some of the biggest presidential regrets in the past. Obama, of course for relevancy sake, earns the No. 1 spot with his quote that Americans can retain their current health insurance. This issue with this statement, as said in the article, is that the Affordable Healthcare act will require those who did not choose comprehensive plans to now purchase them. The problem with a statement such as this and others ("But as open enrollment began this month for the fewer than 20% of Americans Obamacare was designed to help, it became clear there is a subset of people who like their health plans and will in fact lose their health plans.") is they need to be substantiated. I am not contesting that statement as a whole, I'm well aware of the major points in Obamacare. Yet, it aids in objective journalism to have some sort of citation. This a misleading representation and calls into question the ethos of a writer who failed to provide sources for his or her facts. 

But enough brass tax. The article goes on to explore 3 other presidents: George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. The Clinton quote is obvious - it concerns his affair with Monica Lewinsky. I'm a little taken aback by the apparent bashing of the Bush men. George W. was not known for his eloquence in speech, yet it was a bit unfair of the writer to include 3 of the 6 regrets under this president. Readers are clearly getting a picture of G.W. Bush that is misrepresented due to his political statements. The truth is, many of the Bush administration blunders can be pointed to Congress or his cabinet, not necessarily the man himself. However, I do think the article is mostly comedic and not meant to be taken under political influence. But, as I posted last week, if people can be swayed by a Youtube video about Obama being the anti-christ, journalists have to be more cognizant about what they put on the web.

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