Sunday, November 10, 2013

I'm Sorry

In the above video, you will find a short segment on presidential apologies. It is interesting how the website blunder is being compared to Clinton's infidelity and the Watergate scandal. I can't say it isn't misleading of CNN to follow Obama's apology with these very different regrets. Nixon's infamous scandal is much more heinous than the Obamacare website and Americans being dropped from their insurance. It is a fixable problem whereas Nixon's was not, save for him quitting. Clinton's was an issue of character where he cheated on his wife, hardly comparable.

1 comment:

  1. You bring up a point that is now being overlooked in large part because of the ObamaCare rollout which is spying by the NSA. I find it somewhat Ironic that Nixon got impeached for bugging offices of the DNC and Obama gets a free pass for listening in on Angela Merkel’s phone calls, oh wait sorry, I forgot, he didn’t know about that Why Dems better hope Obama's lying. Once politicians get concerned enough about the integrity of their campaigns in light of the access that a sitting president has to their records maybe something will change.
