Sunday, November 24, 2013

Let's talk about the legend of Obama

How about it? You know, a lot of people would say that Obama's lasting impressions are going to be Obamacare and the website failure. Apparently, he may have us think differently. Iran is well-known to be the counter of American politics and doesn't like to listen to us. They continue to build nuclear sites with enriched uranium despite the cries from the U.N. Plus, it doesn't help when you've said you would rather Israel not exist as a state (we'll come back to this). So, this deal that Obama has concocted (or conjured depending on your feelings about his presidency) supposedly will help protect Israel and prevent Iran from creating nuclear weapons. However, this will only come to fruition due to the billions of dollars given in sanction relief.

Are we really giving Iran more money? Yes, and Obama will do so by bypassing Congress altogether. Now, it would seem this is a terrible move; if it does indeed work, Obama will be known for some peace in the Middle East. If it doesn't, it will blow right up in his face. He still has 3 more years to go, so its not like this was a short term saving face strategy. No, he's in it for the long term. And how are the media reacting? They're putting their own spin on this whole deal. The CNN article I've provided began the article with his plummeting approval ratings (the lowest of his career) and the Obamacare debacle. It's as if these are the only things he's done. While they are certainly the most publicized and well-know, that is only due to the media's attention. The article already sets him up for failure with the first paragraph and the tone of the rest of the article. Unfortunately, the article continues rather unbiased so the first paragraph really creates a negative atmosphere. I, for one, would like to see the tone of the article reflect the beginning. If the reporter meant for the article to sound hopeful, it certainly didn't. If the reporter meant for it to sound despairing, then that wasn't too great of a job either. All in all, it's too early to call this measure impotent. I can only hope this will bring more agreeable relations between Iran and the U.S. We certainly don't need another Iraq war.


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