Monday, October 21, 2013

Affordable Healthcare Act Website in Turmoil

Its no secret that Obamacare has it's flaws. Its also no secret, in more recent news, that the website has "glitches." Howard Kurtz notes these problems in his article on Kurtz points out that the "glitches" Obama and others are mentioning are actually huge problems. Namely, there are price calculations going wrong which can mislead people on their insurance plan choices. I'm not quite sure if this is meant to be an opinion piece as its unclear on the link I took to the page. I DO know that Kurtz's voracity certainly paints it this way. He clearly has a bone to pick with Obamacare and has no shame about showing it. It's the blurred line between opinion and journalism that makes me wary of the "facts" in his article. I do agree that the problems with the website are underestimated and not covered well. I do not agree with his presentation of this fact. He has plenty of sources through out the article that support his main idea, just not enough pose to do so himself. People must be wary of journalism that appears as fact but muddies itself with harsh opinions and bias.


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