Sunday, September 22, 2013

Republicans to withdraw from defunding

Based on this article and a few others, we can see the overwhelming sense that the Republicans are trying to defund Obamacare. This tactic attempts take funding from the Affordable Healthcare Act and gut some of the legislation. This writer, Julie Roginsky, is calling for the Republicans in congress to stop these actions. While I don't agree with the whole disagreeing with Obamacare, Roginsky is right. Republicans need to put their eggs in other baskets. Trying to fight the corner-stone of Obama's platform is just time wasted. 

The Republicans are still recovering from their loss last year and putting all their time into Mitt Romney (not a terrible candidate, but they could have done better). Now, the Democrats control a majority of the Senate which makes it even harder for the Republicans to have an effective presence in Congress. But spending their energy on the monolithic legislation that is Obamacare, is simply bad politics.  

1 comment:

  1. At this point House Republicans know good and well that nothing that they do will work to defund Obamacare. For them, that isn't what it is about anymore. The reason that this is on the table is purely political pandering and posturing. You have Representatives that plan to make a presidential bid in the next cycle and are successfully using this to strengthen their credentials with their base and gain national attention. Even the ones not seeking presidential office know good and well that appearing as anything less than bloodthirsty in the face of Obamacare will open them wide to competition from their own party when they seek reelection.
